
Altamont Capital Partners is a private equity firm with over $4Bn of capital under management, focused primarily on making long-term, control investments in middle market businesses. We are often drawn to companies undergoing a transition, either operational or strategic, which we believe we can help navigate. Our approach relies on partnering with strong management, supporting the business with our considerable resources, and bringing a constructive and pragmatic mindset to drive significant long-term value.

Several elements distinguish our approach:


Shared success, collaboration and openness are core tenets of our culture and our philosophical approach to business, and they guide all of our interactions. We believe our strong relationships with management are fundamental to our success. Our investments are based on the premise that by partnering with capable and motivated executives, and supporting them with our arsenal of resources, we can significantly increase the value of their businesses. To align interests, we seek to provide a broad base of employees significant financial incentives tied directly to the success of the investment. Similarly, our team also has skin in the game with each portfolio company by virtue of our significant personal investment in the fund.


Our principals have a long track record of investing in and building companies across a broad range of industries. Navigating organizations through change can be difficult; we have made that journey many times and recognize the time, resources and perseverance required to be successful. We draw on that experience to tailor workable solutions based on the unique needs of each situation.

Business Building

We look for companies with strong business models. Frequently, they are at an inflection point where our strategic, operational, and financial support can unlock accelerated growth. Realizing this potential can require substantial time and resources, but in our experience it is also often exceptionally rewarding. Altamont was conceived with these opportunities in mind: our fund has an extended term, which we believe allows us to hold investments long enough to see changes through and fully realize the benefits; our team is filled with people eager to support our companies as needed; and we have world class resources in-house and in our network available to help our companies. In addition, our investor base comprises sophisticated and patient limited partners who share our view that the returns generated from investing in these types of situations are attractive and warrant a different approach.


No two businesses or transactions are alike. We design solutions to fit the unique needs of each situation. In some cases, this requires non-traditional approaches to meet the often divergent objectives of all the constituents involved – including sellers, ongoing owners, co-investors and management teams. We welcome these transactions and we believe we possess the experience, skill, creativity, and care to successfully complete them.


Our culture demands collaboration, integrity, transparency, and a passion for results. We take pride in being straightforward, value-added partners. We promise quick, thoughtful, and direct communication and feedback. When we meet great executives, advisors, lenders, and co-investors, our aim is to forge lasting and productive relationships.